Living Dictionaries are mobile-friendly web tools that support endangered, under-represented and diasporic languages.
Led by community activists around the globe, Living Dictionaries are collaborative multimedia projects that help languages survive for generations to come.
Originally known as “Talking Dictionary” software, our platform was first launched in 2006 by Living Tongues linguists Gregory D. S. Anderson and K. David Harrison. In 2020, Living Tongues Institute updated the name of the tool to Living Dictionaries.
Manage Dictionary: View & Edit Entries in Real-Time
Record & Playback Audio
Photo Upload
Offline Data Access
Entry Count
Semantic Domains
Set Dictionaries as Private or Public
On-Screen Keyboards for Glossing Languages
Import Data (CSV, JSON formats)
(FLEx, Standard Format)
Geo-tagging Entries
Flashcard View for Language Learners
Peer Review of Spellings
Suggestions from Users
Push Notifications to Contributors
Contributor Community Awards
Video Upload
Languages are humanity's living history; they encode centuries of ancestral wisdom related to the environment, local culture and much more. Language is the vital, creative lens through which we perceive the world and express ourselves. There are over 3,000 threatened and endangered languages in the world, and it is up to our current generation to address this urgent problem before it's too late.
Not only is it important to scientifically document and preserve endangered languages, but from an educational standpoint, learning one's heritage language is a boost for communities who wish to conserve and celebrate their cultural identity, locally as well as internationally. Knowing about one's linguistic and cultural origins has significant, positive health impacts, and this translates to better well-being of the community in the long-term.
Living Tongues Institute for Endangered Languages is a leading research organization dedicated to documenting endangered languages. Founded by linguist Dr. Gregory D. S. Anderson, Living Tongues Institute is a non-profit research institute based in Salem, Oregon, with remote researchers and collaborators located around the globe.
With nearly two decades of fieldwork experience, researchers at Living Tongues Institute for Endangered Languages have the skills and methods in place to help communities document, protect, and promote their languages.
Ashlie Devenney, Thorin Engeseth, Ariel Rabkin-Meyer, Ella Hannon, Cassie Gritton, Peyton A. Nesler, Emilie Erbland, Kyra O’Connell, Louis Fillman, Liam Marshall-Butler, Shuangqi (Joy) Wu, Catherine Huang, Molly Cutler, Luke Strom, Sydney Louchard, Alexis O'Connor, Cassidy Parong, Chloe Bourdon, Sichen (Larry) Lyu, Tali Tukachinsky, Valeria Macias, Evelyn Ho, Barbara Lourenco Oliveira Moreira, Adviye Pelin Teberoğlu, Sophie Shields, Anthony James Brandy, Rammi Quah, Alexandra Winslade, Gabriela Collaço Horton, Vikram Nagapudi, Sasha Viola Fennimore, Polly Vishner, Loren Schneider.
With your help, we can continue to improve our software and make it available for any community that wishes to create their own Living Dictionary. Donate today and make an impact!